Atma (Soul) Yoga of Immortality

“The teaching focuses essentially on the purification of Jing-Chi-Shen into its final product: the elixir of pure person.” – Door to All Wonders, Tao Te Ching

Shen is Light in the Eyes

To be in the Qi flow is the key to return to oneness with the Tao.
Master Ricardo B Serrano

Ricardo’s quotes

“If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited.”— Ricardo Serrano


13 Tai Chi postures/ principles

Book for Tai Chi Zoom instruction appointment

This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Soul Healing interview with Master Sha

Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It’s Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. – page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version)
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Tao Healing Hands Blessing
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Soul Healing Reference books by Sifu Ricardo B Serrano:

MIP 470-633-655-810 for viral infection

Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

You are the greatest miracle in the world

To be in the Qi flow is the key to return to oneness with the Tao.
Master Ricardo B Serrano

Is the Qi experience related to the flow experience?

Tao Water Blessing for Healing

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8 from Return to Oneness with the Tao

The Pan Gu Shen Gong is the key to balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body, and an easier and simpler complementary Qigong practice to learn with other advanced meditative practices.

Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book.

Soul power is developed and used by Tao Healing Hands Practitioner

Tao Healing Hands

“Heal the soul first; then healing of the mind and body will follow.” – Dr. Master Sha, Oneness with Shiva

You become what you chant!

Hold Jin Dan below navel

“The blissful healing compassion of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva is palpable by regularly chanting her small and great compassion mantras.” – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

Atma (Soul) Yoga of Immortality, also called Soham Yoga, founded by Acharya Ricardo B Serrano, is about becoming a numinous Self-realized soul by attaining oneness with the Higher Self via advanced meditation and Qigong practices based on Tao Calligraphy, Sri Vidya, Qigong and Mantra and Vagus Nerve Qi-healing in his eight books and two dvds used in the curriculum of the Integral Studies of Inner Sciences.

The nine books in You Hold the Keys to Healing cover the Qigong basics of the NEW UPDATED ENHANCED Winged Unicorn Meditation Technique – Atma (Soul) Yoga of Immortality – an advanced combination of meditation and Qigong forms for healing and attaining oneness with higher Self or Self-realization – to become a numinous Self-realized being (Zhenren) or Srivatsa symbolized by Swastika or Yuan Shen (Original Spirit).

The central teaching of the Upanishads is that the Self of a human being is the same as Brahman, the Absolute. The goal of life is the realization of that Truth.
I am Spirit Soul. Aham Brahmasmi.

To order the Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD, cost CAD $60, please click Gumroad:

Buy my product @ Gumroad

I AM THAT I AM. I Am not the body. I Am not the emotion. I Am not the thought. I Am not the mind. I Am the soul. I Am a spiritual being of Divine Intelligence, Divine Love, Divine Power…

See Who am I?

“I am not this body; I am that same divine light of which the whole cosmos is an extension.” – Mansur Mastana

– What is the Self?, page 15, Oneness with Shiva

Awakening the Soul

– Awakening the Soul, page 80, Oneness with Shiva

“When one attains oneness with the higher soul you lose anger, insecurity, depression, anxiety, fear of old age and death. I am Spirit Soul. Aham Brahmasmi.” – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

– An Introduction to the Siddha Path, page 5, Oneness with Shiva

Yuan Shen (Original Spirit)

If there is light in the soul,
There is beauty in the person,
If there is beauty in the person,
There will be harmony in the house,
If there is harmony in the house,
There will be order in the nation,
If there is order in the nation,
There will be peace in the world.

The Zen quotation refers to oneness – realignment – with the light of the soul which is the Higher Self, Light of God or Atma, Yuan Shen (Original Spirit) – the Golden Elixir.

Golden Elixir symbolized by Sri Yantra

The heart is connected to the Original Spirit through the soul. The practice of true meditation or Qigong opens the heart and clarifies the soul. Consequently, the Original Spirit can shine through the clarified soul and flourish as true love in the heart. The key to awakening the soul is the opening of the heart. Ultimately, union with Spirit means to be in harmony in the universe.

The reality of this whole universe is God consciousness. It is filled with God consciousness. This world is nothing but the blissful energy (shakti) of the all- pervading consciousness of God. God and the individual are one, to realize this is the essence and goal of meditation and Qigong.

“Yoga means spiritual oneness. What is spiritual oneness? Spiritual oneness means the incarnated soul is achieving a higher degree of oneness with the higher soul, and a certain degree of oneness with God and oneness with all.”
– Master Choa Kok Sui

“We have to realize our identity with the Universal Consciousness. We have to merge with that Consciousness, just as a river merges with the ocean. When a being has attained this state of oneness, he has gone beyond death.”
– Swami Muktananda Paramahamsa

The Bhagavad Gita says: “The embodied one, having gone beyond the three gunas – sattva (purity), rajas (activity), and tamas (inertia) – out of which the body is evolved, is freed from birth, death, decay, and pain and attains immortality.”

“Atma Namaste” This phrase addresses the “higher” soul of the person: “To the higher Soul”, I honor the place within you where the universe resides. I honor the place within you of love, light, and truth. When you are in that place and I am in that place we are One. This practice starts with you placing your hands in the prayer position on your heart. Gaze above the head of another person, 6 to 8 inches, and say Atma, Namaste. Then, look into their eyes (you may also look into your own eyes in a mirror). Really look, and wait. See what comes back to you. Do you feel the love? This is an intense practice; do not reserve it for a few.

Atma Namaste! “Atma” means Soul in Sanskrit. “Namaste” – I Salute the Divinity in you, I Salute the Atma in you, I Salute the “I Am” Presence within you!

Make it happen often, and with many. May you enjoy this practice, another blessing from our Beloved Gurus to you.

– Excerpts from Atma (Soul) Yoga of Immortality, page 103, Oneness with Shiva

“I have included this historical cannabis study because I believe that Jesus not only use cannabis for healing the sick but also as an entheogenic substance for expanding the awareness of his true followers for attaining Christ consciousness via meditation and Qigong.

The ancient healing practice where cannabis oil is integrated with external Qi-healing (Wai Qi Liao Fa) as done 2000 years ago by Jesus Christ and the Classical Chinese Medicine practitioners has been rediscovered.”
– Qigong master Ricardo B Serrano, R.Ac.

– Excerpts from Jesus and Cannabis, page 136, Oneness with Shiva

You have to ground first by Six healing Qigong sounds

NOTE by Ricardo B Serrano, R.Ac.: Pranic healing, also called Qi-healing, is a modality included in Traditional Chinese Medicine together with acupuncture, acupressure, Qigong and herbs which has been practiced for 5000 years. The modalities are integrated and combined with diet and exercise for best results.

External Qi-Healing (Wai Qi Liao Fa)

The Atma (Soul) Yoga meditation and Qigong Forms is an integration of Surya Namaskar, Sri Vidya Kundalini meditation, Ashtanga Yoga Hand Mudras with Gayatri Mantra, Kuan Yin Standing Qigong, Awakening the Soul Qigong, Hanuman Qigong, Eight extraordinary meridians Qigong, Guo Lin (anti-cancer) Qigong and others – 102 minutes (one hour and 42 minutes) – that will heal your disease and return you to oneness with Spirit Soul. ISBN: 978-0-9880502-4-2

Why does it work? By building the Three Treasures – Jing, Qi and Shen, and the body’s Wei Qi field, healing and enlightenment have been made possible for centuries in every ancient spiritual tradition. – Ricardo B Serrano, R.Ac.

– page 159, Techniques of a Master, Return to Oneness with Shiva

The DVD is accompanied with Nourishing the heart by unconditional love Music by Wei Miao and Lyrics by Sheng Zhen Qigong Master Li Jun Feng.

Meditation and Qigong References:

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