Six healing Qigong sounds

Healing Body, Mind and Spirit

The theoretical basis of Six healing Qigong sounds (Liu Zi Jue) is the Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), and Five Solid Viscera (heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys).
The Six healing Qigong sounds gently vibrate, and massage our internal organs, boost our immune system, clear stagnation and stale energy from our body, harmonize our emotions, balance our body and spirit creating a state of inner peace and radiant energy.
The sound Xu tonify Liver energy, Hoo replenish Spleen energy, Her nourish Heart energy, Si nourish Lung energy, Chui tonify the Kidney energy, and Xi revitalize San Jiao energy (the Traditional Chinese Medicine term for the hollow space inside the trunk of your body) that altogether cultivate the Three Treasures Jing, Qi and Shen and strengthen the Wei Qi field.
The Qigong forms with six healing sounds are illustrated in the book for your healing and spiritual awakening.
“If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited.” – Master Faye Li Yip
You can relax the mind and body deeply by practicing Tai Chi 8 form with mantra Song taught by Tai Chi Master Helen Liang, which is the key to maintaining and improving your health.
Heal the soul first, then, healing of the mind and body will follow. – Dr. Master Zhi Gang Sha
Chant “Namo Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa” to cultivate the same compassion embodied by Kuan Yin Bodhisattva. – Dr. Master Zhi Gang Sha
Great Compassion is like water for all beings, it is essential for attaining the Supreme Enlightenment. – Master Miao Jing
Hindus call her Gayatri, Christians call her the Virgin Mary, Buddhists call her the Compassion, Sufis call her the Movement; other ancient religions simply call her Mother Earth. She is our source, our sustenance and our end. She is Kundalini, the power moving us toward the unity of all life. – Sri Amritananda Natha
The blissful healing compassion of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva is palpable by regularly chanting her small and great compassion mantras. – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano
Overall, this book is about cultivating self-healing, revitalized energy and peace of mind by practicing Six healing Qigong sounds, Soul language and Kuan Yin compassion mantras with Tao as Source.
Pure Love expressed as Original Spirit (Yuan Qi) is what a human experiences when they connect to Tao Source. – Ricardo B Serrano
“The teaching focuses essentially on the purification of Jing-Chi-Shen into its final product: the elixir of pure-person.” – Door to All Wonders, Tao Te Ching
Tao (Dao) means immortality, the Source, or Ultimate Creator. Xiu Xian Cheng Dao is to purify your Shen Qi Jing to become a saint in order to reach Dao which is immortality. To study and practice Tao is to reach good health, happiness, longevity and immortality. This is why a person needs to study and reach Tao.
Bao Yuan Shou Yi. Jin Dan can bring you to Tao. To chant Tao is to reach Tao. You become what you chant. Hear no evil. Speak no evil. See no evil.
When we practice Tao Calligraphy through the act of writing, tracing, or meditating within the Tao Calligraphy Healing Field, we align with the very essence of Oneness. – Master Sha
Da Bei Zhou Tao Hands blessing is a form of Meditation on Three Hearts due to the activation of the three dantians and Shen Qi Jing channels. – Ricardo B Serrano
Tao Hands can help restore balance and harmony and support progress toward better health and happiness. – Master Sha
Let me be a channel for Kuan Yin to Speak through me, Heal through me and Bless others through me. – Ricardo B Serrano, Kuan Yin Lineage Holder
The ancient Vajra Sattva Hitting Qigong practice by Helen Liang is of particular importance to the cultivation of the soul light body by promoting Qi flow in the energy centers and acupuncture meridians, and is complementary to the cultivation of soul communication channels in the Tao Healing Hands practice. – Ricardo B Serrano, Tao Healing Hands practitioner
To be in the Qi flow is the key to return to oneness with the Tao. – Master Ricardo B Serrano

The Tao water blessing is a high frequency, high vibration, pure love blessing. It infuses your water with the high-level energy of Tao Source via Tao hands, calligraphy and mantra blessing. It blesses water to heal and transform. – Master Ricardo B Serrano
Tao calligraphy together with Tao songs make it possible to manifest quantum entanglement for healing and transformation. – Ricardo B Serrano
The secret for all life is in the eyes. To transform the eyes is to transform the whole body. – Master Zi Gang Sha

Ricardo B Serrano, Dipl.Ac., author of Six healing Qigong sounds, is a Wing Chun Qigong teacher and Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner since 1980 in British Columbia, Canada. He has written seven books: Meditation and Qigong Mastery, Return to Oneness with the Tao, Return to Oneness with Spirit, Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery, Return to Oneness with Shiva, Oneness with Shiva, and The Cure & Cause of Cancer.

Hold Jin Dan below navel

Product Details
Paperback: 130 pages
Publisher: (July 17, 2021)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0988050269
ISBN-13: 978-0988050266
Product Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.3 ounces

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