Kuan Shi Yin Pusa’s Da Bei Zhou

NOTE by Ricardo B Serrano: Regular practice of Kuan Shi Yin Pusa Da Bei Zhou mantra chanting has greatly assisted my healing and soul journey since 2021. Thank you, Master Sha!

Crown blessing with DBZ

Shen is Light in the Eyes

Kuan Yin is the Bodhisattva of Compassion, and she is known as one of the most popular deities in all of Asia. Her name in Chinese roughly translates as “The One who Hears the Cries of the World.” Many believe that she is the female representation of Avalokiteswara, the Tibetan and Nepalese Bodhisattva of Compassion.
In Asia, statues of Kuan Yin Bohisattva can be found in front of, or on the grounds of, many Taoist and Buddhist temples. She is a Boddhisattva, a person who has earned the right to leave this world of suffering and enter nirvana, but has chosen instead to stay on this earth to help others reach enlightenment first. Because of her willingness to help, Kuan-Yin Bodhisattva is the patron saint of barren women and protects those whose lives depend on the elements, such as farmers and fishermen. It is not unusual to see Kuan Yin Bodhisattva in various forms and poses. She always appears cloaked in white, the color of purity, and her gowns are long and flowing. Often she will be holding a rosary in one hand, a symbol of her devotion to Buddhism and its tenets. She will also have either a book (The Lotus Sutra, which refers back to her origins), or a vase, which symbolizes her pouring compassion on to the world.
The Origin of Lady Kuan Yin:
There are many legends about the origin of Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, but the one I like best also happens to be one of the most popular.
In 7th century China, a king had three daughters, the youngest named Miao-Shan. At the time of Miao-Shan’s birth, the earth trembled and a wonderful fragrance and flower blossoms sprang up around the land. Many of the local people said they saw the signs of a holy incarnation on her body.
While the king and queen were amazed by this blessing, they were unfortunately corrupt, and they saw little value in having a child who appeared pure and kind. When Miao-Shan got older, the king wanted to find a husband for her. But she told her father she would only marry someone if by so doing she would help alleviate the suffering of all mankind.
The king became enraged when he heard of her devotion to helping others, and forced her to slave away at menial tasks. Her mother, the queen, and her two sisters admonished her, all to no avail.
In desperation, the king decided to let her pursue her religious calling at a monastery, but ordered the nuns there to treat her so badly she would change her mind. She was forced to collect wood and water, and run the garden for the kitchen. They thought this would be nearly impossible, since the land around the monastery was barren. To everyone’s amazement, the garden flourished even in winter, and a spring welled up out of nowhere next to the kitchen.
When the king heard about these miracles, he decided that he was going to kill Miao-Shan and the nuns who were supposed to have tormented her. But as his henchmen arrived at the monastery, a spirit came out of a fog of clouds and carried her away to safety on a remote island. She lived there on her own for many years, pursuing a life of religious dedication.
Several years later, her father, the king, became seriously ill. He was unable to sleep or eat, and his doctors believed he would certainly die soon. As he was about to pass on, a monk came to visit the king. The monk told the king he could cure the monarch, but he would have to grind up the arms and eyes of one free from hatred to make the medicine. The king thought this was impossible, but the monk assured him that there was a Bodhisattva living in the king’s domain who would gladly surrender those items if asked.
The king sent an envoy to find this unknown bodhisattva. When the envoy made his request, Miao-Shan gladly cut out her eyes and severed her arms. The envoy returned, the monk made the medicine, and the king instantly recovered. When the king thanked the monk, the monk admonished him. “You should thank the one who gave their eyes and arms.” Suddenly, the monk disappeared. The king believed this was divine intervention, and after ordering a coach prepared, headed off with his family to find and thank the unknown bodhisattva.
When the royal family arrived, they realized it is was their daughter Miao-Shan who had made the sacrifice. Miao-Shan spoke up, “Mindful of my father’s love, I have repaid him with my eyes and arms.” With eyes full of tears and hearts full of shame, the family gathered to hug Miao-Shan. As they did, auspicious clouds formed around Miao-Shan. The earth trembled, flowers rained down, and a holy manifestation of the Thousand Arms and Thousand Eyes (Qian Shou Qian Yan) appeared hovering in the air.
And then, the Bodhisattva was gone. To honor Miao-Shan, the royal family built a shrine on the spot, which is known as Fragrant Mountain.
Ricardo’s quotes


Kuan Yin and Buddhas of Da Bei Zhou blessing

For more information on Kuan Yin Bodhisattva, please read Kuan Yin and Da Bei Zhou (great compassion mantra). Kuan Yin Lineage Holder with Tao Healing Hands blessing enables one to access a deeper level of soul enlightenment, well-being, self-love, healing, intuition, joy and clarity for yourself.

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and Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book

Distance Healing by Tao Hands Practitioner Ricardo B Serrano

Tao Healing Hands

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Kuan Yin Lineage Holder Blessing student

With thanks to Tao Grandmaster Sha

Praying by Mantra chanting and Tao healing hands
With thanks and acknowledgement to my Tao and Da Bei Zhou teachers Grand Master Zhi Gang Sha, Master Henderson Ong, Master Shu Chin Hsu and Master Chiemi Ban.
As an act of service, love, devotion and appreciation to Kuan Yin and 87 Buddhas of Da Bei Zhou and to my Da Bei Zhou teachers, Kuan Yin Lineage Holder Ricardo B Serrano is humbly offering Da Bei Zhou chanting and Tao Hands with Soul Language by Zoom (for a U$ 100 fee) to anyone, as appropriate, interested in cultivating self-healing, inner peace and revitalized energy.

Six healing Qigong sounds with mantras for Shen Qi Jing channels is a great help to make Qi flow connection with Kuan Yin and 87 Buddhas of the Da Bei Zhou and Tao Source. With thanks to Liu Zi Jue Master Faye Li Yip and Tao Master Zhi Gang Sha.
Kuan Yin Qigong taught by Master Li Jun Feng shown in the videos is also a great help to make Qi flow connection. With thanks and acknowledgement to Sheng Zhen Qigong Master Li Jun Feng.
Tai chi 8 form taught by Master Helen Liang is another great help to make Qi flow connection. With thanks and acknowledgement to Tai Chi Master Helen Liang.
As a Sifu in Wing Chun Kung Fu, Wing Chun Kuen originated from a Buddhist nun Ng Mui with connection to Sangharana Bodhisattva (Kung Fu god Guan Yu). With thanks and acknowledgement to my Wing Chun teacher Grand Master Samuel Kwok.
NOTE: Da Bei Zhou Tao Hands blessing is a form of Meditation on Three Hearts due to the activation of the three dantians and Shen Qi Jing channels. – Ricardo B Serrano

DISCLAIMER: The Tao Healing Hands Compassion Blessings are not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. Always consult your medical professional regarding any medical condition. There is no promise, guarantee or other warranty of any result.

The Heart Sutra, page 72, Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang

Kuan Yin Small and Great Compassion Mantras

How to become an angel of Compassion

Kuan Yin is a beloved bodhisattva of compassion, and the Da Bei Zhou (compassion Mantra) crown chakra blessing can bring more of her compassion and love to your heart, supporting you in developing deep inner happiness and healing.

You become what you chant!

Maitreya Buddha at Thikse, Ladakh, India

How to Develop your Energy Bubble (Lightbody)

Chinese Medicine Qigong based Tao Healing Hands work!

Soul power is developed and used by Tao Healing Hands Practitioner

13 Tai Chi postures/ principles

This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Soul Healing interview with Master Sha
Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It’s Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. – page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version) (Password protected for clients only).

Tao Healing Hands Blessing (Password protected for clients only).
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Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

You are the greatest miracle in the world

Meditation and Qigong Books and DVDs to unite and balance the chakras:
Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050285
Six healing Qigong sounds book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050269
The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781901
Return to Oneness with the Tao book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781960
Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781979
Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0987781987
Return to Oneness with Shiva book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050218
Oneness with Shiva book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050226
The Cure & Cause of Cancer book is ready to order at https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988050226
To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, please click the Paypal button below:

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