
Ricardo’s quotes

“If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited.”— Ricardo Serrano

Techniques of a Master

Physicians now agree that over 90% of disease and illness is
stress related and preventable.

Basic and Advance Qigong Workshops:

  • Pan Gu Shengong Moving form with foundation qi
  • Zhongtian Yiqi Gong, Jiu Zuan Zhen Dan (Nine Turns Lying Qigong)
  • Primordial Wuji Qigong with the Tao immortals
  • Standing-on-Stake (Zhan Zhuang Qigong) & Qi Dao (Tibetan Shamanic Qigong)
  • Kuan Yin Standing Qigong
  • Jesus standing Qigong
  • Jesus and Mohammed sitting Qigong
  • Guo Lin Qigong

Optional Advance and Healing Qigong Workshops:

  • Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong Part 1 (Gathering Healing Qi from the universe)
  • Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong Part 2 (Processing Healing Qi in the human stove)
  • Sheng Zhen Healing Qigong Part 3 (Alchemy frees the source within)
    Kuan Yin sitting Qigong
  • Mohammed standing Qigong
  • Lao Tzu’s Return to Spring
  • Hanuman Qigong, Integration of Heart and Spirit
    Awakening the Soul
  • Maitreya (Shiva) sitting Qigong
  • Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong

Other Workshops & Therapy Services offered:

Qigong, Qi-healing or pranic healing & EFT Workshop Sessions (individual or group) are from one hour to three hours; training fees varies from $120 to $240

Acupuncture, EFT and/or Qi-healing Treatment with herbal consultation sessions are from 10 to 30 minutes; treatment fees varies from $60 to $120 and get a free gallon of hexagonal kangen water

Who should learn and practice Qigong?

Patients who suffer from illness. With daily practice and regular Qi-healing treatments, health can improve dramatically with the possibility of full recovery from chronic health problems.

People who want to improve and maintain optimum health. Qigong can strengthen the immune system and Life Force, increase the ability to resist viruses and bacteria and, at the same time, decrease the possibility of developing diseases due to exposure to environmental toxins.

Doctors or professors who are involved in research into the benefits of Qigong and/or have some personal experience of Qigong.

Acupuncturists and other alternative medical practitioners. The Basic and Advance Qigong workshops can be applied to 25 continuing education hours every two years required for reissue of license.

Those who are interested in Qigong and want to develop a more thorough knowledge of this discipline.

See ISIS Studies, Prerequisites and Workshops, Qigong with CCM in Lingayen, Pangasinan, Philippines

To order the Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD with shipping, cost US $50, click Paypal.Me

Atma (Soul) Yoga Meditation and Qigong Forms DVD

Reference Books used in the Meditation and Qigong workshop:

Six healing Qigong sounds book at

The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book at

Return to Oneness with the Tao book at

Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book at

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book at

Return to Oneness with Shiva book at

Oneness with Shiva book at

The Cure & Cause of Cancer book at


To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, with 2-page Healing Conscious Mind Encodements enclosed, please click the Paypal button below:





First published May 25, 2012 ©

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