An Introduction to Microcosmic Orbit

Shen is Light in the Eyes

Ricardo’s quotes

“If your Qi is in balance, your health and wellness are unlimited.”— Ricardo Serrano


13 Tai Chi postures/ principles

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This form is especially good in cultivating internal power channeling Qi for emision of power (Fa Jin)! – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Soul Healing interview with Master Sha

Soul Healing is not similar to Qigong healing. Qigong is energy healing. We go beyond energy. It’s Divine Healing Hands or Divine Soul Healing. We can do one-to-one healing, group healing, and distance healing. There are all kinds of sickness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. To heal and transform humanity, we must remove Jing qi shen blockages. Jing qi shen blockages are the biggest pollution. – page 7, Return to Oneness with the Tao

Da Bei Zhou Compassion Mantra (fast version)
(Password protected for clients only).

Tao Healing Hands Blessing
(Password protected for clients only).

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Soul Healing Reference books by Sifu Ricardo B Serrano:

MIP 470-633-655-810 for viral infection

Meditation: A Simple, Fast Way to Cure Your Negative Emotions

You are the greatest miracle in the world

To be in the Qi flow is the key to return to oneness with the Tao.
Master Ricardo B Serrano

Is the Qi experience related to the flow experience?

Tao Water Blessing for Healing

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8 from Return to Oneness with the Tao

The Pan Gu Shen Gong is the key to balancing Yin and Yang energies in the body, and an easier and simpler complementary Qigong practice to learn with other advanced meditative practices.

The best meditation technique that I use to attain self-healing, inner peace and rejuvenated energy is through Tao Yan Guang Calligraphy.Ricardo B Serrano, Dipl.Ac.

As a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner since 1983, Qi-healer and a Qigong master /advanced shakti teacher, the practice of the Microcosmic Orbit meditation is indispensable in my clinical healing practice and my spiritual growth. The Microcosmic Orbit is the key to balancing energies in the body and the basic foundation for other advanced meditative practices such as the kundalini activation and Saraswati mantra which I also facilitate. The Earth, Cosmic and Heavenly Energies derived from Sat Chakra japa activations are circulated, stored and grounded in the body’s Microcosmic Orbit enhancing the physical, energy and spirit bodies while preventing at the same time Kundalini syndrome (psychosis) and other side effects of ungrounded energy practices.

The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation is an ancient Taoist Qi meditation which with intention (Yi) will connect you to the Sun, Moon, planets, North Star and Big Dipper constellation (Heavenly Qi), Higher Self (Cosmic Qi) and Earth Qi adding more Qi into the microcosmic orbit (functional and governor channels) of your physical, energy and spirit bodies. These powerful meditation techniques on the human bioenergetic system are enhanced further by the addition of Inner Smile and Soul Realization meditation techniques and practices in the Return to Oneness with Shiva, Oneness with Shiva and Return to Oneness with the Tao.

Taoist Meditation practice start with the opening of the Microcosmic Orbit. The Life Force (Qi) is introduced to each point on the body’s two primary meridians or Yin and Yang energy channels. The front or Functional channel and the back or Governor channel are joined to form a circuit of continuous energy flow. This circuit is called the Microcosmic Orbit.

Practical, tangible health benefits result from opening the Microcosmic Orbit. Increased resistance to stress and illness are the most evident. A heightened general level of energy follows from the conservation and recycling of the Life Force. A distinctly more centered and harmonious awareness results from balancing of internal energies through their circulation in the Orbit. Lowered internal tension helps the immune system by promoting the freer flow of lymph fluids.

The applications of Qigong are: for Fitness, Sports, Martial Arts, Health and Healing, Sex, Longevity, Extraordinary human abilities, Spiritual development and Immortality. See page 66, Oneness with Shiva

See TaiQi under a Bodhi Tree, How to become an angel of compassion and Heaven Earth Qigong with Light Therapy

A most powerful meditation technique by Master Sha is the best meditation technique that I use to attain self-healing, inner peace and rejuvenated energy through Tao Yan Guang Calligraphy. Read Shen is Light in the Eyes

Shen is Light in the Eyes

Soul Healing Reference books by Sifu Ricardo B Serrano:

Six healing Qigong sounds with Mantras book.

According to my Sri Vidya Guru, Sri Amritananda Natha, Sri Devi:
Hindus call her Gayatri, Christians call her the Virgin Mary, Buddhists call her the Compassion, Sufis call her the Movement; other ancient religions simply call her Mother Earth. She is our source, our sustenance and our end. She is Kundalini, the power moving us toward the unity of all life.

She combines in Herself the tenderness of all mothers and the passion of all lovers, wisdom and insanity, childishness and experience, cruelty and faithfulness.

She is an Angel and a Devil, fire and icy water, She smells of a musk of a barrel house and of an incense of a temple. On the final day of their construction, what is the difference between a bar and a temple? Absolutely none – and they will often have the same customers too!

Devi says, “I am Chirst, I am Christian; I am Mohamed, I am the Muslim; I am Brahmana and I am Chandala; I am God and I am the Devil; I am the sinner and I am the virtuous; I am the wise man as well as the dunce; I am the disciple as well as the Guru; It is I that listen and I that speak; I am certitude and I am doubt; I am Heaven and I am Hell; I am darkness and I am light; I am Yoga and I am Bhoga; I am Freedom and I am Bondage; I am everything. Look, look, look close, I am there in every atom, in every molecule. How can you bear grudge or hatred against anybody? I am all; there is nothing which is not myself. I alone was in the past; I alone am in the present; I alone shall be in the future. Whomsoever you envy, you envy me, in this vast universe, it is I alone, who exist”

She is raw power (the living veritable tigress when She catches hold of you) representing on the one hand Thanatos – the death instinct, and on the other – irrepressible Eros. She represents the burning head of desire plus the detachment of the burial ground.

These are Her two poles; She is the bipolar entity, the unity of opposites. And the world manifests in the separation of Kali and Kala; it disappears in their union.

She is maya; dissolution of maya leads to mahasamadhi from which there is no return. This is the reason why it is insisted that you treat Devi as your mother; then the thought of enjoying Her does not arise that easily in the head, preserving your life. But think! what better way to die than in the hands of mother, to become Shiva, a death like corpse? If you are Her child, She feeds you with milk from Her ever full breasts; and the milk of life is sweet indeed. But in the total recognition there is no second – one does indeed become Shiva and Shakti in union; then there is no manifest world, except the continuous unending bliss. And one who has once tasted the sweetness of it, does not want to come back, except as a sacrifice of freedom brought about willfully!

So long you have been sleeping under delusion; now that you have already known the nature of your own self by the grace of Guru, then why yet to hesitate? By leaving aside all your idleness and giving up all sorts of your weakness, raise up yourself, and with the shouting of ‘DEVI’, ‘DEVI’, awaken Her Dears from their sleep!

tavaivāsmi! tavaivāsmi! na jīvāmi tvayā vinā!
iti vijñāya devi tvaṁ naya māṁ caraṇāntikam!

‘I am Yours, I am Yours! I cannot live without You! O Devi! Knowing this, please take me to Your lotus feet!’

Divine Mother Lalitha

Chanting stimulates vagus nerve, page 120, Oneness with Shiva

With continued practice, toning, chanting and humming will literally “tone” the vagus nerve which can help to regulate the nervous system by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

A higher vagal tone index is linked to physical and psychological well-being. A low vagal tone index is linked to inflammation, negative moods, loneliness, and heart attacks. — Psychology Today

Prayer is conversation with God. God is the great compassionate physician who alone gives true healing.

Prayer and meditation is like food for the soul or spirit. Praying with prayer beads amplify its effects.

– Excerpts from Chanting stimulates vagus nerve, page 120, Oneness with Shiva

See Ricardo B Serrano’s Story: A testimonial
Addiction: A Disease of the Soul?
The vagus nerve, emotions and the difficulty with mindfulness practices
Everything you need to know about the vagus nerve

The Maha Meru Sri Yantra is the three dimensional projection of the great Chakra Yantra (Sri Yantra) that symbolizes Sri Devi Lalitha Tripura Sundari. The Maha Meru Sri Yantra is said to contain the energies of all other Yantras and all traditions. It is considered to be very auspicious when kept in temples, puja and healing rooms, and business places.

The Maha Meru Sri Yantra, queen of all yantra, is among the world’s most ancient Hindu, Shaivite and Buddhist tantric symbols. For many millennia the Sri Yantra has been used to bring good fortune, wealth, health, protection and as an energetic aid to meditation and healing for Sri Vidya practitioners.

Kundalini syndrome is just over active Prana in areas that need clearing and redistribution. Do the Prana work and all will balance…also mix up the practices so you don’t get bored – most Kundalini syndrome is due to boredom.Raja Choudhury

Kundalini syndrome and its treatment

Theorists within the schools of Humanistic psychology, Transpersonal psychology and Near-Death Studies describe a complex pattern of motor functions, sensory, affective and cognitive-hermeneutic symptoms called the Kundalini Syndrome.

This psychosomatic arousal and excitation is believed to occur in connection with prolonged and intensive spiritual or contemplative practice (such as meditation or yoga) or as a result of intense life experience or a near encounter with death (such as a near-death experience).

According to these fields of study the Kundalini syndrome is of a different nature than a single Kundalini episode, such as a Kundalini arousal. The Kundalini syndrome is a process that might unfold over several months, or even years. If the accompanying symptoms unfold in an intense manner – that de-stabilizes the person – the process is usually interpreted as what Stanislav Grof has termed “spiritual emergency”

Interdisciplinary dialogues within the mentioned schools of psychology (see references below) have now established some common criteria in order to describe this condition, of which the most prominent feature is a feeling of energy travelling along the spine, or progressing upwards in the body.

Motor symptoms are said to include tremors, other spontaneous or involuntary body movements and changes in respiratory function.

Sensory symptoms are said to include subjective changes in body temperature – feelings of heat or cold – a feeling of electricity in the body, persistent sexual arousal syndrome, headache and pressure inside of the head, tingling, vibrations and gastro-intestinal problems.

Cognitive and affective symptoms are said to include psychological upheaval, stress, depression, depersonalization or derealization, intense mood-swings, but also moments of bliss, deep peace and other altered states of consciousness. Within the mentioned academic traditions this symptomatology is often referred to as the Physio-Kundalini syndrome or Kundalini-experience Awakening.

Transpersonal literature emphasizes that this list of symptoms is not meant to be used as a tool for self-diagnosis.

Any unusual or marked physical or mental symptom needs to be investigated by a qualified Sri Vidya meditation and Qigong teacher who specializes in treating kundalini syndrome.

I practice Qigong to redistribute and balance my Qi after Sri Vidya meditation to prevent and treat kundalini syndrome. It works! – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

Q and A on Kundalini awakening and Qigong:

Question: Hi Raja Choudhury, How can I explain to somebody that she needs kundalini awakening despite her insisting that she doesn’t need it and Qigong is enough for spiritual enlightenment and awakening?

I know that Qigong only affects the energy body (Qi field) – prana kosha – and doesn’t go further up the Anandaya Maya Kosha which kundalini awakening can affect. Would that be enough of an explanation? – Ricardo B Serrano

Answer: Don’t call it Kundalini Awakening. Call it adding Shakti or any other language she likes to her QiGong practice. You can show her the beauty but you don’t have to drag her there kicking and screaming. You can also say that the Chinese integrated many of the Tantric teachings from Buddhism and Hinduism into Taoism and QiGong is a synthesis of that. Every one hears truth and magic through their own lenses and filters. I can even teach Kundalini to a born-again Christian by showing them the power of the Holy Ghost. – Raja Choudhury

– Excerpts from page 69-70, Oneness with Shiva

To receive shaktipat from Acharya Ricardo B Serrano, watch:

Shaktipat from a Guru of an authentic Shakti-based lineage is not only necessary to become a true enlightened being, but also a must to become a true Guru yourself. – Ricardo B Serrano, page 98, Oneness with Shiva,

Sri Vidya kundalini meditation powerfully boosts Qi-healing and Qigong practices when integrated together. – What is kundalini awakening?, page 13, Oneness with Shiva

Hindus call her Gayatri, Christians call her the Virgin Mary, Buddhists call her the Compassion, Sufis call her the Movement; other ancient religions simply call her Mother Earth. She is our source, our sustenance and our end. She is Kundalini, the power moving us toward the unity of all life. – Sri Devi, page 112, Oneness with Shiva

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“This is how I quiet my monkey mind – I become aware of my breath and my monkey mind quiets down. Where awareness goes, energy flows. Where energy flows, awareness follows.”
– Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

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Meditation and Qigong Books and DVDs to unite and balance the chakras:

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at

Six healing Qigong sounds book is ready to order at

The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book is ready to order at

Return to Oneness with the Tao book is ready to order at

Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book is ready to order at

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book is ready to order at

Return to Oneness with Shiva book is ready to order at

Oneness with Shiva book is ready to order at

The Cure & Cause of Cancer book is ready to order at


To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, please click the Paypal button below:





First published July 14, 2012 ©

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