Ba Duan Jin by Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

It is the best Qigong practice to revitalize vital energy in the lower dantian. – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

NOTE: Master Faye Li Yip has been my Six healing Qigong sounds teacher together with Ba Duan Jin Qigong. With thanks and acknowledgement to my beloved teacher Master Faye Li Yip.

Clinically, Ba Duan Jin Qigong greatly assisted in healing my neck, shoulder, knee problem with overall health improvement by stimulating the macrocosmic orbit and removing Shen Qi Jing blockages. – Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

Free your Qi and your deeper self with the 8 movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong — a gentle yet powerful 1,000-year-old practice for harmonizing mental and emotional energy — and merge these techniques into one flowing movement that stimulates a cascade of healing. See Lower Dantian (Qi Ball)

The mindful movements of Ba Duan Jin Qigong not only help you gain equilibrium during times of stress and overwhelm, but reveal the deeper messages of imbalance by harnessing the sensations of the body to illuminate your true self (Diamond Body).

1. Hold up heaven: Recharge your energy with Qi and harmonize your 3 cavities.
2. Posing as an archer: Nourish lung energy, activate key acupuncture points and increase circulation
3. Pushing arms aloft: Alchemize emotional energy into calming Qi for spleen and stomach
4. Turn gazing backwards: Activate yang and yin meridians located in the arms and hands
5. Swaying the head and wagging the tail: Nourish heart and release stress.
6. Both hands touching the feet: Tonify your kidney energy for increased vitality
7. Clenching fists and glaring eyes: Replenish liver Qi to increase vitality and immunity, decrease stress hormones
8. Raising the heels: Harvest good Qi back to lower dantian – the Qi center

Benefits of Ba Duan Jin Qigong:

  • Replenish vital energy in the kidney, liver, heart, spleen and lung meridians
  • Increase inner balance and vitality, release blockages, and relax your internal organs by cultivating an energetic connection between your body and the energy of the Earth
  • Improve overall physical fitness — including increased strength and stamina, better posture alignment, and flexibility
  • Discern the power of mind-body synergy and smooth breathing that reduces stress and anxiety levels and puts the internal organs at ease through a boost in energy levels with increased oxygen supply in blood
  • Discover inner peace, contentment, and your inner smile as you ground yourself deeply in the present moment and let go of distracting thoughts and emotions by balancing the Five Shen or Five Spirits

Excerpts from Hara and Three Dantiens, Ba Duan Jin Qigong, pages 13-18, Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang

Read National Library of Medicine: Effects of Baduanjin exercise on the physical function of middle-aged and elderly people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Eight extraordinary meridians aka macrocosmic orbit in Ba Duan Jin

Join CE-5 North Vancouver

Ba Duan Jin for TCM Practitioners

* Book (Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang) required before session
Book References:
Meditation and Qigong Books and DVDs for healing and spiritual awakening:

Akashic Records Reading with Tao Chang book at

Six healing Qigong sounds book at

The Meditation and Qigong Mastery book at

Return to Oneness with the Tao book at

Return to Oneness with Spirit through Pan Gu Shen Gong book at

Keys to Healing and Self-Mastery according to the Hathors book at

Return to Oneness with Shiva book at

Oneness with Shiva book at

The Cure & Cause of Cancer book at


To order the Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong & Omkabah Heart Lightbody Activation DVDs with shipping, cost $60, please click the Paypal button below:




Published October 1, 2023 by

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