Meditation and Qigong Mastery

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The first book Meditation and Qigong Mastery elaborates on the meditation and Qigong principles that masters use to activate and develop their lightbodies, also called EMF (electromagnetic fields), Wei Qi or merkaba, which is the missing mastery principle not discussed by eastern authors in their meditation and Qigong books. Omkabah heart lightbody activation and Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong are introduced. Quotations on inner mastery by meditation masters are included to guide the readers toward the path of inner mastery. Powerful mantras are also included to unite the meditation practitioners to the spiritual divine energy of the ancient lineage of the Siddha and Buddhist Masters. Lastly, the merkaba energy ball of light with holographic sound healing is taught for healing and spiritual awakening.

From the Back Cover
“Once you have remembered and activated your lightbody, you can never lose your connection to it and to the Divine.” – Master Thoth

“All men’s souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine.” – Socrates

The first book Meditation and Qigong Mastery elaborates on the meditation and Qigong principles that masters use to activate and develop their lightbodies, also called EMF (electromagnetic fields), Wei Qi or merkaba, which is the missing mastery principle not discussed by eastern authors in their meditation and Qigong books. Omkabah heart lightbody activation and Maitreya (Shiva) Shen Gong are introduced. Quotations on inner mastery by meditation masters are included to guide the readers toward the path of inner mastery. Powerful mantras are also included to unite the meditation practitioners to the spiritual divine energy of the ancient lineage of the Siddha and Buddhist Masters. Lastly, the merkaba energy ball of light with holographic sound healing is taught for healing and spiritual awakening.

According to Master Thoth, “unconditional love is a powerful magnetic force which, once activated through the hologram of love, makes you truly magnetic within every cell of your body. As a result, you begin to attract all you need to become a cosmic vibration of higher wisdom. If we could understand time and love together, Thoth said, we would have the answer.”

“The Hologram of Love Merkaba is our doorway home.” – Alton Kamadon

“Practice Merkaba meditation to experience the wave of love (wave x).” – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

Love is. Love will always be. Love is eternity.

Fajing is a relaxed and explosive release of Qi. Fajing is the highest level of Qigong practice. Wing Chun without Qigong is not Wing Chun. Wing Chun was originally a journey of martial, healing and spiritual to become a spiritual warrior.

Wing Chun Qigong trains every layer of your being. It trains the body, mind, energy and spirit.

The key to healing and self-defense is in the practice of both Wing Chun and Qigong forms.

As the practice of Zhongtian YiQi Gong quiets the mind one is able to connect with Heaven, Earth and humanity through the central channel – chong mai.

Through the grace of Sri Devi, I have experienced the bliss of samadhi and healing via Sri Vidya upasana and Qigong.

You feel clarity and a potent spiritual transference of energy and healing in chanting Sri Vidya mantras.

The Sanskrit effect of chanting Sri Vidya beej mantras is kundalini activation with balancing and normalizing the Default Mode Network in the brain and the chakras along the spine resulting in healing, energizing and blissful Turiya state.

The master (guru) is the means. – Shiva Sutra 2.6

Guruji: You will obtain everything only thru the guru paduka mantra.

The independent state of God consciousness is your self. – Shiva Sutra 1.1

Guru is the sole authority who can impart the highest identity with our intrinsic and unlimited divinity within. It is for this reason that Guru is worshipped and adored with the most devout Bhakti by a Sadhaka.

I chant Sri Vidya mantras to remind me of who I am.

Your own soul is your guru, quiet the mind and listen to your Higher Self. – Acharya Ricardo B Serrano

Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So, too, are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. – Heart Sutra

Nebulized hydrogen peroxide is a safe, inexpensive, and incredibly effective way to help prevent and treat viral illnesses of all kinds. Intranasal light therapy, herbs, and Wing Chun Qigong are anti-viral adjunct therapies with nebulized hydrogen peroxide.

Perhaps the Most Effective Weapon Against Viral Infections

Fajing is a relaxed and explosive release of Qi.
– Sifu Ricardo B Serrano

A chart of the three dantians in the body during the
neidan (internal alchemy) practice.


Gratitude, or a generous attitude, is neurally linked with happiness. Strengthen one and you automatically boost the other.

Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu Om shanti shanti shanti

Guru Paduka (Sandals)

Product Details
Paperback: 140 pages
Publisher: (August 27, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0987781901
ISBN-13: 978-0987781901
Product Dimensions: 10 x 8 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 13.1 ounces

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